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Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy

Cell phones may be used outside of the building prior to 8:00 and after 3:15. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and stored in the locker/book bag during the school day. These items may not be accessible to students (kept in purse, pockets, etc). Cell phones and any other electronic device seen during the school day will result in these items being taken up from the student. LCMS East Campus is NOT responsible for any of the items brought to school by students. The only exceptions to this policy is if the device is being used (1) in the classroom for instructional purposes as approved by the teacher or (2) for the purposes of a school scheduled activity such as a PBIS celebration. If, however, the device is used in any unauthorized manner during this time, disciplinary action may occur.

The LCMS East Cell Phone/Electronic Device policy is:

  • 1st offense: $10.00 charge and the device will be released to a parent/guardian only.
  • 2nd offense: $20.00 charge and the device will be released to a parent/guardian only.
  • 3rd offense (and each offense thereafter): $40.00 charge and the device will be released to a parent/guardian only. Please note that there will be a $30.00 service charge on all returned checks.

Parents may retrieve items from the front office staff between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Please note that there will be a $30.00 service charge on all returned checks.

No Bluetooth headphone devices allowed.