Middle School Gifted Program
The responsibility of the gifted program at Lee County Middle School East Campus is to expand the knowledge of students, to challenge the mind to think beyond the concrete level into the abstract, and to promote individuality as well as intellectual and creative thinking. Gifted students at the middle school are served through academic classes. Academic classes may include any of the five disciplines: social studies, reading, science, English and mathematics. In most instances, students are placed homogeneously in academic classes utilizing the advanced content model. Other students may be served through the clustering model, which means that curriculum modifications are made for gifted students in a heterogeneously grouped regular classroom.
Middle School Title I Program
At Lee County Middle School East Campus eligible students in grades 6 through 8 receive Title I services in either a math or reading connections class. Instructional strategies include direct small group or one on one instruction paired with computer based remediation via Reading Plus and/or Exact Path. Teachers use demonstrations/models and differentiate based on diagnostic data on a daily basis to meet the needs of all students. Students are placed in whole group and/or small, flexible group settings on an as needed basis. The scheduling model used for the students is a pull out model with students receiving services during one of their two connections classes. Students may also receive supplemental educational opportunities through regular classroom differentiation. Student diagnostic information is shared with stakeholders such as counselors, Student Support Teams, administrators, teachers, and parents.
The Title I eligible pool consists of students who fall in the bottom 25th percentile of their grade level based on multiple criteria. Criteria used for ranking students consists of:
- -Ga Milestones EOG reading and math scores
- -Universal screening scores for math and reading (derived from FastBridge)
- -Averages in math and English Language Arts classes
- -Lexile scores
- -Previous services received for special education, Title I, and/or gifted programs
- -Teacher and/or parent recommendations
The Lee County ESOL Program is designed to help students attain their full social and academic potential within the culture of an American school. We are committed to developing our students' communicative confidence and skills in the four main areas of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the ESOL program seeks to create supportive learning environments in your child's classroom and school which value and build on students' academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
Middle School Special Education Program
Lee County Middle School East Campus students who have been identified as needing special education services are placed in the least restrictive environment available and appropriate for them. Most of our special education students are served using an “inclusion” model for classroom instruction and study skills or direct math/reading class for additional support.